The Greatest Gift
By Parjanya Ishaya
Three months ago I went through the most difficult moment of my life, the death of my Arian, the youngest of my brothers.
Being there, at his feet, only waiting for his body to die, was something extremely complex. With nothing I could do for his life, it is something inexplicable, it is something that cannot be described in words.
I remember asking the intensive care nurse, "What should I do? And his answer was: "I don't know". Maybe he didn't even know what I meant when I asked him that question, and maybe I didn't know either.
But at that moment the only thing that came to my mind was that the way to accompany my beloved Arian was to practice my Ascension techniques.
I Did My Best At That Moment
I didn't know what else or how I could help him.
I wanted everything around him and himself to be in peace, in tranquillity, but above all in love, in Infinite Love. And thus transcend this earthly life.
I was only able to be with him in this way for the last minutes of his life.
Today I don't know if it was the best way to be there with my Ari, but it was the only thing that came to my conscious awareness at that moment and I decided to do it. It was the only thing.

A Peaceful Departure
His death was quiet, (strangely enough) because there was no heart-rending crying, no drama despite the suddenness of the event and he had a completely peaceful look on his face.
The funeral resembled a party and a celebration of life. It was filled with many expressions of love, friendship, gratitude, solidarity and music.
Ascension Gives Us What We Need
Today, three months after his death, I sometimes cry and miss him. Yes, I miss him very much.
Ari was like a son to me.I decided not to have children and he somehow filled that space as a brother-son.
We were great life partners. We learned a lot from each other. He was and is my great teacher.
We shared many things and one of them was knowing Ascension.
He used to tell me that it gave him a lot of peace and tranquillity and that it also allowed him to sleep well. Ascending gives us what we need.
I learned to love him unconditionally and maybe that's why I was by his side at the end, because I was able to let him go to his next level without attachment and without suffering.
Today has been a day of many emotions and the only thing that gives me peace and tranquillity is being able to be present Here, which is what thinking my techniques gives me the experience of.

Commitment to My Practice and a Different Perspective
This has been the case in recent months. It is almost impossible to look back, for it can be very painful.
Ascension, blessed Ascension. Thank you for being here at hand and in my life. Not just now, but ever since I learned and committed to make my practice of this meditation a way of living.
It is beautiful, and fills me with gratitude that life's circumstances, whatever they may be, can be perceived or seen from another perspective. And I know that I owe much of this to the Ishayas’ Ascension.
That is why I love to share this wonderful teaching, because I love to see that those who are open to receive it in their heart, from the first day perceive the magic and the incredible power of the techniques.
My name is Parjanya Ishaya and without hesitation I can tell you that learning Ascension is the greatest gift I have ever given myself in life. The best gift.