Resist Nothing

By Shivá Ishaya

How many times have you thought,“Life would be better if…

How many times have you dreamed, “The world could be better if…”?

How many times do you think, “I would have given 100% if the person would have been different.”?

How many times would you have done better “if…”?

what if

For me, there was always a what if?. It was never enough; I used to compare myself with people. I wanted to change the world, but it was almost impossible because, apparently, no one was doing their part. First, they all had to change before I could do something, no matter how beautiful, magical and perfect it could be.

"... go from being the most wonderful day to the "almost perfect"... "

One day, I heard myself saying, "It was amazing, although it could have been better if..." and then I would recreate imaginary situations that made the day go from being the most wonderful day to the "almost perfect" day because my mind convinced me that I didn't deserve anything of what had just happened.

A Beautiful Life, Missed Through Judgement

Today, I remember how my life was before learning the Ishayas' Ascension techniques. The truth is that my life was beautiful, but I was a slave to my mind. I listened to it all the time, almost as if I depended on it, on its approval, imagining and recreating a situation, and believing, 'why could my life not be perfect?'

I got to the point of convincing myself that something would always be missing or I simply had no angel or no luck. I recreated a sense of not belonging to this world as if somehow God had made a mistake. There was a constant resistance to change, and if something happened in the world, it would be continuous change; how unlucky for me!

not belong

I remember being exhausted from living a life where I thought I was never going to be happy. I listened to my mind telling me over and over again, "You are not happy," "You will never be happy," "Whatever I do, I will never be happy." I listened to it so much that I got tired.

The moment I was invited to a meditation course to learn to rest profoundly, I went. I was ready to give myself the opportunity.

Learning The Ishayas' Techniques

I remember the first time I used the Ishayas' Ascension techniques. I had never felt anything like this, nor knew I could experience such peace. I fell into surrender and slept without anxiety, as if I knew that everything was given. There was a confidence that I had finally arrived. I stopped resisting life, stopped questioning every little part of it, and accepted it exactly as it was. All this came naturally.

"At that moment, I became addicted... "

At that moment, I became addicted to using the techniques. Every time I could, I closed my eyes and started playing with the Ascension techniques.

It was great news that the Ishayas' techniques could also used with open eyes, so I could maintain that experience even when I was living life, working, at a party, cooking, with friends or alone sitting on the couch in my room.


I had committed myself to living the best of lives and to resisting nothing that life had in store for me.

How did I not resist anything? Honestly, I don't know. The more I practised, I naturally stopped resisting, I stopped wanting to control, and I began to grow confident that everything was perfectly made for me to enjoy life.

Life Is Magical

It has been more than 20 years since I learned the techniques of Ascension, and each day has been even better than the day before. I feel like an explorer, I have woken up each day with a sense of wonder that I had never experienced before. It is also natural that I am not looking for anything at all, and the moment I question myself it seems that everything aligns so that I can continue to trust. As if life wants to surprise me again and again with the most beautiful of lives.


The hardest part of my new life is resisting, when I want to control. I'm not going to deny that unconsciously, sometimes those bad habits come back, that sometimes these limited ideas come back, and that life feels like a grind.

Practice is everything, it's like exercise. If you keep exercising you stay in shape but if you stop exercising you naturally start to see the changes in your body.


As long as I practiced my meditation techniques, everything worked perfectly, and if I stopped practicing, the chaos would creep back in. So I learned through experience, and I practice every day. From there, I live the most beautiful of lives without resistance, letting myself go with the flow of life in perfection.

Living consciously, present, radiant, vibrant, and unlimited is completely natural.

I have no words to describe how amazing my life has become. Even when the mind comments that everything is going to fall apart, there is a total acceptance of what is. There is a divine force within each one of us that is there to be experienced, and it allows me to relax without resisting or wanting to control whatever is going on around me.

There is a trust in remaining in the divine flow of life, as if everything is already given to be lived in perfection and to the fullest.


Knowing The Ishayas' Ascension has been the most important milestone in my life—there is definitely a before and after. Having this tool, using it, and being supported by a group of teachers who remind me that I can choose to live life in perfection, peace, and joy makes me feel grateful.

I love my life exactly as it is, and if something remains of me, it is to observe and enjoy!

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