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The Peace-In-Action Challenge

Is Peace missing in your life?

When it comes to our desire for peace, most people might feel that peace is just an out-of-reach, almost cliché kind of feel-good slogan nowadays that is, in reality, impossible to attain. That is because most people believe that the experience of peace depends on something to change in our external world, and changing the world is indeed a massive, difficult task.

However, the true experience of peace is much, much simpler. It starts with you, and it starts within.


"Create an environment congruent with peace." - M.K.I.

There are many simple ways we can apply in our everyday lives, which allow us to gently direct our attention towards inner peace. Peace isn’t a mission or a dream; it’s more like a habit, a lifestyle, a natural way of living for every human being.

Watching many hours of news, participating in gossip, and not making time to rest are some examples of the things we might do that put us in the opposite direction of Peace. Therefore, it is imperative for us to create a congruent life with what we desire. If we want to experience peace, our lives should have activities aligned with Peace.

This is where the Peace In Action Challenge, created by The Bright Path Ishayas, plays a big supportive part in your adventure.


This 30-day challenge will support your desire for peace.

Subscribe to #PeaceInAction Challenge to receive daily activities for 30 days. Short, simple yet powerful daily tasks that allow you to live the peace that is meant to be. You can apply one challenge per day, and of course, you can also incorporate them all daily!!

The more people subscribe, the more people experience peace, live peace, and spread peace… Can you imagine the impact it can have in our world?

Well, don’t. Don’t just imagine it. Sign up and play with us!

Peace In Action Signup

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