Meditation For Self-confidence
By Shanta Devi Ishaya
Ascension And Self-confidence
If I had to say in one word what Ascension has given to me, I would say self-confidence - Or is that two words? I came from a complete lack of confidence to having confidence by using Ascension on a daily basis.
I don't feel like 'self-confidence' would be the most logical and usual answer if you asked someone what the benefits of meditation they have noticed are. Most people begin to experience better sleep or noticeable stress reduction, increased vitality or more fulfilling personal relationships. I had a friend who meditated, and she would tell me, "I get so much clarity through meditation." I didn't even know what she meant!
Let me give you an explanation as to why self-confidence stands out to me.
I wasn't always the anchor of confidence and peace that I am today! or so it seems.
Confidence Left As A Child
As a child, I remember being confused about adults. They were always "playing games" and not speaking their truths. Adults did things that were not congruent with their hearts desires, and I could see that left them in a lot of pain - physically, emotionally and psychologically. I didn't understand what was happening. It also left me feeling quite isolated. I didn't know how to "be" in the world, so my confidence was almost non-existent.
I was confirmed by the Christian church and believed in God but didn't understand how His teachings translated to us mere humans down on earth. For example, if God was good, then why were terrible things still happening in the world? Why do only some people get into heaven? Still, I went to church every Sunday.
As I grew older, before learning to Ascend, I began searching - consciously and unconsciously, for the meaning of all this and my place in it. I read books. I went to talks with Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Oprah, and other well-known teachers. I started doing yoga. At first, for the physical benefits of the practice, which eventually opened my eyes spiritually too. I was aware of that feeling of confidence beginning to emerge with the deep breathing, but it was fleeting, unfamiliar.
“The secrets of making dreams come true: They are Curiosity, Courage, Confidence and Constancy, and the greatest of all is Confidence.” - Walt Disney

Ascension Appears!
It was a happy accident when my friend wanted to go to an introductory talk about the Ishayas meditation technique called Ascension. I accompanied her for support - thinking it was just for her.
I was living in Australia in 2004 and "goofing off". I was Young, drinking, smoking and travelling. One night I was home watching TV, and my friend called. She tricked me because she said, "what are you doing tonight?" I answered, "nothing."
And she responded immediately with, "great. I am on my way to pick you up then. I want to go and see this introductory talk from a couple of monks, and you're coming!"
I was trapped and couldn't back my way out of it. I just wanted to chill (and be alone) as it was my only night off that week. It was a Thursday night, and I was working the weekend. Weekends were busy, so I was resting before the rush. I worked as a bartender long before you needed your "smart serve" certificate; at least you do in Canada!
I had never even heard of the Ishayas. I didn't know what was in store for me. My friend took me long before I was "ready" or even aware that I was searching for a better way of living. I liked the talk but didn't connect with it at that moment. My friend learned to Ascend, but I did not.
I learned the First Sphere course about a year later in Sydney, Australia, all by myself. It was taught by a Canadian teacher and an American teacher, so immediately, I felt at ease with my "homeboys".
After learning to Ascend, I appreciated the total package that it is. Ascension is an experiential spirituality, not a philosophy. It has not only helped me understand religion more but life as well. Not only that, Ascension is an "Anytime meditation," meaning you can experience the benefits by using it anytime, anywhere. It is simple and totally applicable to everyday life.
The Immediate And Far Reaching Benefits
Since learning to Ascend, I feel more grounded in myself. I feel more focused and empowered, which has had a significant impact on every area of my life.
When my Ascension practice is regular - and by that, I mean just a little time each day - these are the personal and consistent benefits that I notice.
- I feel more GROUNDED - especially when I Ascend before leaving the house in the morning. I am set and not so easily knocked off keel by the storms of the world. My day starts on a positive and calm note, with a quiet confidence. Ultimately I am happier and less scattered. I don't get upset as easily when people say silly comments to me. When I say something in a board meeting, it is necessary, clear and said with conviction. Few people question me. I am focused and present, and less agitated. There is an inner presence and feeling of warmth that goes with me through my day. If I don't Ascend, people who know me notice because I am not as calm.
- I am less DISTRACTED - which means I do what is right in front of me. Multi-tasking without being present causes me to come undone and anxious now. I was once more like the dog in the animated Pixar movie "UP" where he constantly gets distracted and says "SQUIRREL" mid-sentence! If I was working from home on the computer - left to my own devices - by the end of my day, I would be in my closet looking for the snake necklace I got in high school because my chaotic thoughts had led me there! How ridiculous! But it happens, and I am sure you can relate to your mind going off on a tangent. More gets done when I can stay on task and maintain my focus. Ascension has changed all of that for me. I have learned to recognize and work with the patterns of my ego and mind.
- I find DECISION MAKING EASIER - because one of the benefits of regular meditation is getting in touch with my true self and what I need and want. For example, I left my easy, high paying management job in the corporate world because my heart was no longer in it. People, of course, thought I was crazy, but I just knew it was the right thing to do. Instead of making decisions based on others' opinions or what I think others need and want, I now make heartfelt decisions that feel intuitive. What's good for me? What can I live with? Honestly. This self-confidence took me a long time to get to, and some days are still easier than others. Although making big, life-altering decisions can still be challenging; it is different now. I am more relaxed, and I can tune into what I want. I trust myself more and more to make the best decision with the information I have at that time.
“Experience tells you what to do, confidence allows you to do it.” - Stan Smith
Meditation, and for me, Ascension, has the potential to bring so many benefits to life. I have shared with you here some of the ways it has impacted my life, and there are many more I can tell you! Ascension has helped me to relax more into being myself. That gives me an anchor for confidence - like a slow and steady person who is grounded. I am like an anchor resting on the floor of the ocean despite the turbulent waters around me.
One thing I have learned over the years is that for everyone, it will look different. There is no one way that freedom looks and no one way that it unfolds. What is consistent is that you won't see the results if you don't use the tools. Ascending a little time every day is the key to unlocking the gifts that are waiting within you. A daily, consistent practise of meditation is everything. If you have learned to Ascend but have not been doing that, re-commit. If you haven't yet learned to Ascend, give it a try. This practice makes it so easy, but you have to actually do it.