Letting Go, To Live In Peace, Love And Oneness
By Sesa Ishaya
The Ishayas' Teaching is that experiencing peace, love and oneness with the world is our natural state. That we are beings with unlimited creative potential - we are luminous and Divine.
Yet most of humanity has forgotten its greatness and has lost the natural and constant experience of peace, love and oneness.

How did this happen? Can we remember? Can we return to our natural state? The good news is that we definitely can.
Falling Into Sleep
We come to life empty - our mind is like a blank page, and as very young children, we live in the present, often experiencing peace, love and oneness with the world.
As we grow, we experience life and learn how to live in our society. We acquire ideas, concepts, beliefs, judgments, preferences, etc.. Our minds become filled with information, are no longer as open and innocent. We come to believe that there is a past and a future, and we stop living in the present.

We learn what "I am" and what others are, what is mine and what belongs to others, and experience ourselves as separate.
There can come a time in life when we have acquired so many ideas, concepts, beliefs, etc, that our mind has become overloaded, chaotic and limiting; now we carry a personal history and an identity acquired based on our life experiences.

Life can feel heavy, limited and unfulfilling. That is why the great majority of humans experience anxiety, worries, fears, frustrations, anger, sadness, uncertainty, etc. This is how we lose what is natural - peace, love and connection. It's a familiar story for most of us.
The Truth Is Always Present
The great news is that our true nature, our unlimited and divine essence, has not disappeared. It cannot - it is always present, immovable and eternal. We are simply distracted, immersed in the chaotic mind, identified with the illusion that we are our history and personal identity, that we are the mind, the body, and the emotions.
"Remember: all this is acquired"
Remember: all this is acquired; it is a product of our life experiences and how we can come to understand them.
So how can we detach from the illusory sense of who and what we are, freeing ourselves from limitation?

To "let go" may seem easier to say than to do. The key is to use the power of our attention - not to focus on "letting go", but to move towards what our heart truly wants.
Opening Up To A Greater Experience Of Life
You may notice that your attention is often immersed in the mind, identified with thoughts, jumping to the past and the future. In my experiences, I required teaching and a practice that enabled my attention to be in the present moment, to move me out of my cluttered mind and rest in the still space and silence that was always present within me.
"...the door is opened to living again..."
As our attention gets used to moving beyond the limited mind, and comfortably rests in the still space always present within us, the door is opened to living again in an experience of peace, love and unity.

Find your path, find your tool - make it a priority.
For me, the teaching that has given me the most simple, natural, automatic and powerful tool to return to our natural state and live daily the unlimited, the peace, the love, is undoubtedly the meditation techniques of the Bright Path Ishayas' Ascension.