
By Dasahara Ishaya

Okay, let's first define devotion. The dictionary speaks of "Religious love, veneration, and fervour." Chat GPT says devotion "…may refer to a passionate and persistent commitment to a person, cause, or activity."

However, I want to give you a slightly different perspective on devotion. Through my journey, I would like to share with you what I experience devotion as and what I experience devotion towards.

In a way, devotion has danced through my life since I was little, without me even knowing it; it wasn't something that had a "label," a name… it wasn't something I could accurately refer to. And who cared about concepts, then? Not me! LOL. At least not at the time.

kids dancing

When we are children, the only thing that interests us is living, enjoying, playing and exploring. It is from this, from exploration, that this devotion that I experience is born.

Witnessing Happens Naturally

From a very young age, and perhaps because I was a rather introverted and shy girl, I enjoyed playing by myself, observing everything. I was curious to know how life unfolded and to understand what was beyond the appearance of things. Since it was difficult for me to interact with other people, I observed. From then on, this calm experience that was here and there, very, very neutral and invisible, began to be common for me. At that time, I would not have been able to explain it with words, but in retrospect, it was very familiar to me.

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When the Ishayas' Ascension came into my life, with this very simple way of meditating and going inward, this calm experience began to be more obvious, clearer, and more accessible at will. It was then that I was able to "see" it and begin to explore it. And that is when I can talk to you about devotion—a degree of commitment, dedication, and perseverance that began to grow in me.

I would like to leave aside the religious implication with which devotion is usually linked. In this case, devotion is towards a state of such freedom that it is beyond any concept or belief system. This state is experienced, it is. It ruthlessly IS.

Beyond all the dance of concepts we have created to communicate and give meaning to our lives, there is a quiet, neutral space full of infinite potential that can only be lived and experienced. It is not about "believing" in something or someone.

Getting Caught In The Dream World

In this dance of our human life, of duality, "caught" in the appearance of time, of goals to accomplish, of things to do, of surviving, and keeping our attention outward with all of this, it is easy to get lost and lose sight of our purpose in life. It is easy to get lost and end up living a life of frustration where nothing seems to make sense. If we find a guide to show us how to go beyond this, we are very fortunate

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Beyond that illusion of duality, of what appears real when our attention is outward, there is this wonderful movement inward. Your attention, this magnificent treasure, can move inward, back home. This is a space of infinite potential, where "in" and "out" dissolve into one experience, into the One.

"When you taste this space of infinite potential, you begin to remember"

However, fortunately, or unfortunately, it is a journey that can only be experienced by oneself. There is no use "believing" in it. If you only believe in it, it is finite, it is limited, it is an illusion. You are still stuck in the appearance of duality and, therefore, suffering.

It seems that, at first, having a little faith and believing it is possible can help us move through our mind and beliefs to see beyond them. When you taste this space of infinite potential, you begin to remember. What is this familiar thing I am experiencing? What is this thing that I can't even find words to describe? It's the beginning. Don't stop. Don't forget.

Commitment, Dedication, Perseverance

Then is when the commitment, dedication and perseverance of constantly consciously exploring this space, at every moment, no matter what is happening in our lives, in this incredible and sometimes chaotic dance of dualities in which we move, becomes the only option to stop "surviving" and LIVE our birthright… which I would not even like to pigeonhole into words, but to make you an invitation I would tell you that it is to become one with the peace (joy, infinite love) that transcends understanding, and from there enjoy this cosmic dance.

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"Dance, dance in devotion towards the dissolution of self... "

Once, my father shared with me this phrase that he had read, which goes something like this, "Dance, dance until the dancer disappears and only the dance remains." At that moment, my heart exploded in love and devotion to this beautiful dance that I experience every moment, thanks to this blessed ability that has reminded me to simply return my attention consciously and dissolve into the Dance of Being.

I want to leave you with this invitation: Dance, dance in devotion towards the dissolution of self into the Self. There is no more fabulous adventure in life.

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