Commit – You Deserve It

By Mahadeva Ishaya

"Commitment" can seem like a scary word sometimes. In my younger days, I would rebel against the concept, rejecting it as the end of my individual freedom of choice. "If I am committed to something, then I can't do what I want. I want to keep my options open".

However, in meditation practice, or a spiritual path, commitment makes the difference between a straight and effective path or one with twists, turns and uncertainty.

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Another word for commitment is "dedication". Being dedicated to a practice or a way of living means you are less likely to be distracted, and so reap the benefits of your actions.

As teachers of the Ishayas' Ascension, we consistently encourage those who learn to practice their techniques easily and simply. 

"Being half-assed about it, will deliver you half-assed results"

The gentle discipline of doing something genuinely important and impactful on how you experience life brings maximum rewards. As someone once noted, if you want the best results in anything, be whole-ass. Being half-assed about it, will deliver you half-assed results.

An Unbreakable Habit

When I learned the Ishayas' techniques, the benefits were enormous. I had much more love, compassion, patience, and joy in my daily life. Life became much more lovely, so I convinced myself I didn't need to use them anymore.

Predictably, the old habits, beliefs and limitations started creeping back in. That was a signal for me to get back into my practice. It was a good experience as it highlighted the benefits of using the techniques.

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At that point, I decided to practice my meditation daily, regardless of how I felt or what my mind told me. 

Just like brushing my teeth or having a shower, meditation became something I didn't need to think about – I just did it. As a result of this dedication to my practice, the fruits of the practice were more significant and even more apparent. The contentment and sense of purpose that I had begun to experience became deeper due to the consistency of my daily choices.

Moving Beyond Doubt and Uncertainty

Every worthwhile thing we do to grow in our lives involves leaving the "old" behind. There can be some discomfort as we free ourselves from what we have known and are familiar with and move to the less familiar or complete unknown. Sometimes, doubt or uncertainty can arise, and the prospect of giving up may seem attractive.

But, before you give up, I invite you to remember why you started. Reignite the fire that got you moving in the first place.

"You deserve nothing less than to live your life to the fullest"

You deserve nothing less than to live your life to the fullest expression of who you are. What is most important to you? Deep down important.

When we ask that question when teaching, the predominant answers are "inner peace", "love", and "joy". Whatever it is for you, how much of your life do you spend making experiencing that your priority?

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Life can get busy for all of us, and it is easy to spend our time just getting through our day, and that which our heart is crying out for can get left behind and postponed to some future time.

The good news is that the absolute source of Peace, Joy and Love is always right here, right now. It's possible to experience that, even as we fulfil our daily responsibilities – but it's necessary to commit to that.

In my experience, and in that of many thousands of others, the Bright Path meditation techniques offer a direct path to that experience, even during the many situations we find ourselves in, even those most challenging.

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Peace, love and joy can never be experienced at some point in the future; they can only be experienced in this precise moment. The Ishayas would say that experience is your birthright. Are you ready for more? Committing to that, with guidance from those who have walked the path before, can make that your reality. Consider this article your invitation to explore.

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